© Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum

© Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

31 July 2019

Bling Things/ Think Bling

I worked hard all day long
To grab things which I longed,
I accumulated things life-long,
At the end, I was wronged!
-Forum Shah

Image- Google

29 July 2019

What's happening to the world?

Topic suggested by Ronald Daniel Sampson.

Quantity rises, Quality falls,
Quality rises, Quantity falls,
The World Cycle stays in motion!

Chatters rise, Doers fall,
Luxuries rise, Living fall,
As one rises, someone falls,
To share a limited pie, Humanity falls!

What's happening to the world?
The reserved might be undeserved,
The undeserved might be life-learned
The life-learned are not always served!

Happenings are to be learned
Awakening is to be earned!
What's happening in intellectual head
Dictates what's happening to the world!
-Forum Shah
What's happening to the world

My Dream

Topic suggested by Krishna Kumar

My dream

27 July 2019

A Free Spree!

Artwork- ©Epil Ankita Hembrom

A free spree!

Let's set the soul free
By going on dancing spree!

Let's Whirl and Whirl and Whirl
Make the musical anklets melodiously tinkle!

Aalta enhances steps' glory
By soothing feet that frees dancer from worry!

Worry blows in hurry
As toe gets engaged to floor musically!

It's only on dancing floor,
Where spirit experiences joyful soar!

Let's set the soul free
By going on dancing spree!
-Forum Shah

21 July 2019

શું તમને સમજાય?

પુસ્તકો હોય ઘણા, જ્ઞાન મેળવવાનું કેમ રહી જાય?
જ્ઞાન હોય ઘણું, તોય સ્વ નો અભિમાન આવતાજ કેમ વીસરી જાય?
સ્વ ને અનુભવો હોય ઘણા, શીખ ક્યાં નીતરી જાય?
શીખ હોય ઘણી, તોય જીવન માં કેમ સહી ન શકાય?
જીવન છે, પરમાનંદ ને માણવાનું કેમ કરી ચૂકી જવાય?
માણવા માટે અમૂલ્ય ઘણું, તોય સંગ્રહ કરવામાં સમય કેમ વ્યર્થ થાય?
સંગ્રહ કરવા જીવન ઘણું, પણ જીવાય કેમ?
શું તમને સમજાય?
-ફોરમ શાહ

Poetry Forum

17 July 2019

મારા મામી

©Forum Shah

મોસાળ મા રુમઝુમતા રાણી, 👸
તે છે મારા મામી. ✨
આવકાર આપે મીઠો મીઠો, 🤩
હેતથી કરે મને વ્હાલી વ્હાલી. ✨
- ફોરમ શાહ

6 July 2019


Topic suggested by Mehul Shah.


When an asset faces value depreciation,
When Life feels suffocation,
Should it be left in that position,
To face further degradation?
Should it be uplifted with new creation,
To enjoy the upgradation?

Isn't Capital Appreciation,
The only fixation
To easily pass through any situation?
Too much of appreciation
Can spoil the situation?

Seeking answers to the questions,
Concluding from the sought information-
'Be it any situation,
Neither be too sad nor be too glad,
Tread with balanced head.
Ups and Downs- Wavy Fluctuations,
Musical beats are the situations,
Situations affect the emotions,
Put on it intense concentration.'

If you follow above recommendation-
You'll be rewarded with spiritual elevation,
Your inspirational song
Would be sung by civilization!
-Forum Shah



Topic suggested by Ajay Padia.

Enrich your personality through loyalty!
Loyal poem

1 July 2019


Topic suggested by Sucheta Chakraborty.

Which star would you like to be in the Town-
The one who would rule,
Or be ruled,
Or the Superstar?
Stars poetry