© Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum

© Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum
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15 October 2015


Dadri Rumour


Few people are spreaders
Of Rumour which has the power To go beyond the armour, For some its humour Eventually it becomes a tumour.

A 'word' was spread
That there's a beef kept
Word was believed
Then Truth wasn't revealed.
Soon the mob attacked
Father was killed
Son injured
Later the 'word' was investigated
And Truth was revealed.
Findings said,
It was a rumour spread.
People were agitated,
Was it planned?
Debate continued.

In this law passing and banning era,
Shouldn't a law be passed
Stating rumour should be banned?

There the culprit laughs
And enjoys the scenes
For all this is just a humour
Out of a rumour
For the Evil Creator.

~Forum Shah

13 October 2015


शायरी २ 

शीशी है कांच की,

पटक कर तोड़ दू,

दीदी तेरी याद मे  

फुट फुट कर रो लू। 

~ फोरम शाह 

11 October 2015


शायरी १ 

चाँद मुझसे दूर, मुझे चांदनी से  प्यार
प्रभात मुझसे दूर, मुझे तिमिर से प्यार
मूर्ति मुझसे दूर, मुझे आरती से प्यार
दीदी तू मुझसे दूर, मुझे तेरी यादो से प्यार।

~फोरम शाह

9 October 2015



Obstruction instructs,
Instruction is to use it
For a construction.
-Forum Shah

6 October 2015



First You dream to buy,
You buy and problems arise
Then you become wise.
-Forum Shah