© Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum

© Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

27 June 2015

Drab World!

 Drab World!

Facing the Reality,
There's no space for Frugality.
People have specific Mentality,
In their world of Materiality.
Is Life supposed to function Systematically?
With a set of rules specified Drastically
Into the program called Life Magically!

~Forum Shah

15 June 2015

Rain Drops

Rain Drops 

Drops fall together
And gives way to other drops
To gather.

From rooftop and staircases
They all come down
Touching the green leaves
To soothe Mother Earth.

Listening materialistic life's sigh
Drops fall from so high
Brings joy in every heart
As if spiritual being falls on Earth hard
To help the materialistic being from dying hard.

~Forum Shah

13 June 2015

Dear Earth

Dear Earth

Dear Earth, Are we worth? We don't even care to pay, But enjoy degrading you everyday. We consider you to be our own And that's the reason we have shown To use you for our greed And rarely for our need. But you may doubt That if we call you to be our own Then why we put you down Remember we are selfish people Who could use anyone to make it double. So Dear Earth, Still you consider your children to be worth?
~Forum Shah

4 June 2015

મેગી મેગી મેગી !

મેગી મેગી  મેગી !

 મેગી મેગી  મેગી !
           પીળી  પીળી મેગી ,
ટેસ્ટી ટેસ્ટી મેગી ,
          લચકો બનતી મેગી ,
ઝટપટ બની જાતી મેગી ,
           જ્યાં જુઓ  ત્યાં મેગી ,
હવે બની ગઈ કૈદી ,
           મેગી મેગી મેગી.

                                                                                    ~ફોરમ શાહ