© Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum

© Forum Shah and The Poetry Forum
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30 June 2019

Two Celebrities!

Topic- 'Today it's more like majority ruling the minority- irony, sarcasm, humour'
Topic suggested by Epil Ankita.

The majority of insignificant thoughts,
Tyrannize the minority of significant thoughts,
Is it only about thoughts?
Should be sought!

Two classes fought-
'Majority rule' and 'Minority Protection'.
What would be the conclusion?

Majority thought, 'We are powerful',
Minority remarked, 'We have mastered many battles',
While they were fighting,
There appeared a wise lightning,
That shook the battleground.
Majority became minority,
Minority turned Majority,
The lightning showed its creativity
And left a message-
'Why you distinguish?
Couldn't you find peace
And extinguish
This battle with ease!'

Now lightning was a minority,
For the two classes United,
The United remarked together,
'Dare, you interfere in our matter
We love to fight
As we need some spice
To live our dramatic life!'
-Forum Shah


Topic suggested by Nikita Agarwal.

Come ,Come, Come
Let's dance and sing a song for chum-
Let's laugh at, love and like-
Each other's yike.
Let's meet again
And eat yum-yum!

'Stop', 'Stop', ...
Yes,Chum, I'll Stop.
But, When you are by my side
I'll always be on my idiotic side!

Hey, Wise Mentor
I'll always cheer you up,
Just like you, who always lifts me up!
The Jokes,The Humour, The Care,
The delightful moments we shared,
Deserves to be written with flair!

So, with all the seriousness,
I must say-
You magnify my happiness!
My Friend, 
You hold a special place in my heart,
You ought to be commended,
Till the end!
Lots of love to you, dear Comrade. ♥️
-Forum Shah

23 June 2019

Honesty is a solitaire

Honesty is a solitaire,
Not to be sold at any fare!
It enhances welfare,
Must be ingrained in rational software!
~Forum Shah
Honesty poetry

'Gene' in Imagine

'Gene' in Imagine

The trends changed from Galigaskins to jeans,
But the best eternal gene under skin-
Has always been the 'imagine'!

Fancy thoughts have brought revolution,
Some in the form of cat- ion -
Like the Wheel, Meal and Deal !
While some in the form of an-ion - Like steal!

The imagination never allowed the thoughts of pollution,
But always allowed views of luxurious nation!

Ergo, The gene in imagination,
Must be a wisely charged ion,
So the future generations,
Feel proud of our creations and gain inspiration
To build a great nation with sustainable imagination!
-Forum Shah

Peace is Divine, Divine is Peace

Peace is Divine, Divine is Peace

The peace around is divine,
The beauty around is truth,
It makes the surround shine,
Fills each heart with mirth!

The sailing clouds above,
The sailing ships below,
The sailing art across,
Is so beautiful to adore!

The darkest clouds are heavy,
The loaded ships are weighy,
The heavy heart's art,
Is Ready to impart-
'The truth is in its beauty,
The Divinity is in Peace!'

Peace is Beauty, Beauty is Truth,
Truth is Divine, Divine is Peace!
-Forum Shah
Peace is Divine

Missing- A Cascade Poetry

What's missing?
Is it You?
Be You, Be Valued!

'Just Kidding',
Has become a part of saying,
What's missing?*

To be a mindless robot in crew,
Have you started drifting away from you?
Is it you?**

If you can't be you,
You'll be undervalued,
Be You, Be Valued!***
-Forum Shah

*(The free-spirit like kid in you who doesn't have to say 'just kidding' after cracking jokes and doing mischiefs)

(**Is it necessary to mould yourself according to your work priority if it takes away your natural creativity from you? Isn't the opportunity cost to live too high?  Do we need to trade the self in corporate world? We drift away from the self and we'll need to meet the self again. )

( *** Create you own unique value by being the you )